Nasomi Community FFXI Server

XBOX 360 WIRED [my solution plus other info]
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Author:  dunharrow [ Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:40 am ]
Post subject:  XBOX 360 WIRED [my solution plus other info]

I have been playing this server fine on my Desktop PC [windows 7] using the controller.

However, I had a problem getting my wired 360 controller to work on my laptop [windows 10].
I did check that the controller was detected and functioning by going to "setup usb controllers" and checking inputs.

So when I tried to use the nasomi config, I tried the various presets. Especially preset "E" which is what I use on PC.
Preset E did not even seem to work in game. Some of the others worked sorta, but I would lose DPAD functionality, or configurations would be wonky.
And the X=input box was usually grayed out in the config which was odd.

I knew something was wrong. I browsed the forums, tried various methods. The last method worked for me.

I downloaded Direct X and installed that. No need to reboot my laptop.
I chose to download an offline installer because I don't want microsoft update spam on my laptop. ... px?id=8109
(download the file, run it, extract a bunch of files to a directory of your choice, find that directory, run the installer inside that directory, done)

The game immediately worked with config preset "E". The x input button was no longer grayed out, and it had a checkmark in the box.

Now for further information. This can be useful at times to know.
The location your controller config is stored is in the registry. [windows key + "R", type in "regedit", press "enter"]
You can save the values stored in a specific folder if you use the registry editor.
Running the files you saved will overwrite registry files with the saved files.
For both my laptop and PC, it was located at:

You want to look at padsin and padmode.
The above numbers represent the preset configuration "E".


The numbers below are my personal configuration. A slight change of the "E" preset.
I only swapped what happens when you press down the two analog sticks.


The movement analog stick, when pressed down was used for locking targets. It felt weird to me pressing it down while moving.
So I made the camera analog stick when pressed down be used for locking targets. Previously the camera stick when pressed toggled first person view/third person view.

I'm just posting this for more information and help. Cuz troubleshooting is a BI$#H.

link to another controller issues thread for troubleshooting help

Author:  Arzt [ Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: XBOX 360 WIRED [my solution plus other info]

Apparently, this also fixed my prob with a generic USB controller. For some reason, a FFXIConfig which was run as admin do not save "padmode000" and "padsin000" config simply because there's no registry key to save it in the first place. Just simply make two new string values of these and retry reconfiguring.

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