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Is Bravura worth it long term?
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Author:  Mordikaiser [ Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Is Bravura worth it long term?

Typically the make or break aspect of a given relic is what it enables a job to do vs what it can do without the relic. For example Apoc is coveted because it allows DRK to aftermath into additional gear haste, which in turn allows them to ramp up other stats during the aftermath.

Bravura seems like it could have some potential here, because of the 20% Damage reduction from Metatron Torment and the added effect of lowering evasion paired off with +20 accuracy. At the very least the accuracy boost could conceivably allow for a different food choice, though I'm not sure.

I'm just looking for opinions, because I don't really wanna play Dark Knight or Samurai in end game and I know Warrior is reasonably viable. But I also want to play a class with a useful relic.

Author:  Wolffhardt [ Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Bravura worth it long term?

Bravura is one of the best relics in the game. The defense down is great, and it destroys in merit parties.

Author:  Kazen [ Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Bravura worth it long term?

Mordikaiser wrote:
But I also want to play a class with a useful relic.

PLD and BRD say hello.

Srs tho, Bravura is a good relic on a good DD job. I'd put it in A-tier of the weapons.

Author:  Lilflava [ Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Bravura worth it long term?

Bravura adds the added ability of turning you're PLDs into cure bots and they still wont pull hate off you. but serious,

The DEF down on the Mob is HUGE when ur doin TP Burns and the DT- is great for when you are tanking. I built a bravura and haven't looked back with regret at all. well worth it if you plan to main WAR.

Author:  lockecole777 [ Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Bravura worth it long term?

Lilflava wrote:
Bravura adds the added ability of turning you're PLDs into cure bots and they still wont pull hate off you. but serious,

The DEF down on the Mob is HUGE when ur doin TP Burns and the DT- is great for when you are tanking. I built a bravura and haven't looked back with regret at all. well worth it if you plan to main WAR.

-Damage Taken also works on things like Kirin's breath that can otherwise not be mitigated. (well without -breath damage taken gear) But yeah, Id only put it behind Amano and Apoc in terms of offensive Relics, and only because DRK and SAM are superior jobs on Nasomi, not so much because its a worse relic. DRK and SAM just get too many out of era things that make them as good if not better than WAR in 95% of situations.

Author:  The_Carrot [ Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Bravura worth it long term?

Drk gets out of era things?

Author:  lockecole777 [ Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Bravura worth it long term?

The_Carrot wrote:
Drk gets out of era things?

Dread spikes are definitely out of era, and the max HP increase they offer helps with tanking things. I thought there might have been another thing. In general between stun, weapon bashes, etc, a DRK/NIN with Apoc can tank pretty well.

Author:  The_Carrot [ Sun Jul 07, 2019 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Bravura worth it long term?

O ok, dread spikes and drain 2 were the erm.... March, 08, 2007. spells. ... etail.html

Which era he's shooting for is kind of gray, virtue stone pouches and corsair card cases were in the same update.

20 macro books and gobbiebag 7 & 8 happened on november, 20, 2007. ... etail.html

WotG expansion hit on november, 21, 2007. I think anything up to that part for jobs is fair game, but idk, I'm not nasomi.

Pup/Cor/Blu didn't get their group 2 merits until June, 06, 2007.
(*not really trying to start something by saying this but*)
If dread spikes, and drain 2 are "out of era" wouldn't cor/blu/pup being able to merit out of era as well? ... etail.html

All the retail updates can be found here

Pretty sure everything is fair up til november, 20, 2007.

Author:  lockecole777 [ Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Bravura worth it long term?

The_Carrot wrote:
O ok, dread spikes and drain 2 were the erm.... March, 08, 2007. spells. ... etail.html

Which era he's shooting for is kind of gray, virtue stone pouches and corsair card cases were in the same update.

20 macro books and gobbiebag 7 & 8 happened on november, 20, 2007. ... etail.html

WotG expansion hit on november, 21, 2007. I think anything up to that part for jobs is fair game, but idk, I'm not nasomi.

Pup/Cor/Blu didn't get their group 2 merits until June, 06, 2007.
(*not really trying to start something by saying this but*)
If dread spikes, and drain 2 are "out of era" wouldn't cor/blu/pup being able to merit out of era as well? ... etail.html

All the retail updates can be found here

Pretty sure everything is fair up til november, 20, 2007.

Yes, several other things on Nasomi are also considered out of era.

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