Record Count: 97.

9-drawer almirah Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno840002
air tank Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate Beachboy500001
arbalest Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno190001
arrowwood log Northern_San_dOria Oceloot901
bahut Valkurm_Dunes Theren100006
bahut Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno130002
balance ring Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno270002
battle bow +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno370001
blackened newt Northern_San_dOria Oceloot5001
cermet chunk Northern_San_dOria Oceloot30001
chunk of orobon meat Northern_San_dOria Oceloot30001
coiler Northern_San_dOria Oceloot40001
copper ingot Northern_San_dOria Oceloot7001
courage ring Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno270002
crossbow +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno220001
cursed togi Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno5950001
drum magazine Northern_San_dOria Oceloot40001
dusk gloves Northern_San_dOria Oceloot500001
elder's braguette Northern_San_dOria Oceloot400001
elder's sandals Northern_San_dOria Oceloot600001
energy earring Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno190001
fruit parfait Northern_San_dOria Oceloot20001
fruit parfait Northern_San_dOria Oceloot30002
gendawa Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno380001
great bow +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno270001
hades sainti Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate Beachboy4000001
Hakutaku eye cluster Valkurm_Dunes Theren2000001
Haoma's ring Valkurm_Dunes Theren500002
harp +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno85001
heavy crossbow Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno470001
heims earring Valkurm_Dunes Theren1500001
hope earring Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno190002
hope ring Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno230002
igqira huaraches Residential_Area Ubo4000001
jack-o'-lantern Valkurm_Dunes Alone100005
januwiyah -1 Northern_San_dOria Oceloot300001
jaridah peti Southern_San_dOria Cheddarbobmarly1500001
kaman +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno150001
kraken club Valkurm_Dunes Alone300000001
kraken club Bastok_Mines Rasputin300000001
Lamia mantle Northern_San_dOria Oceloot90001
lightning bow Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno120001
lock of manticore hair Northern_San_dOria Oceloot30001
magic pot shard Northern_San_dOria Oceloot18001
marinara pizza Northern_San_dOria Oceloot50007
marinara pizza +1 Northern_San_dOria Oceloot130002
marinara pizza +1 Northern_San_dOria Oceloot135001
marinara pizza +1 Northern_San_dOria Oceloot138001
marinara pizza +1 Northern_San_dOria Oceloot140004
meat chiefkabob Northern_San_dOria Oceloot11001
meat mithkabob Northern_San_dOria Oceloot3001
melon pie Northern_San_dOria Oceloot901
melon pie +1 Northern_San_dOria Oceloot4001
Norg shell Northern_San_dOria Oceloot28001
pachipachio Port_San_dOria Koczen3500001
piece of mahogany lumber Valkurm_Dunes Theren40002
piece of rosewood lumber Valkurm_Dunes Theren30003
pinch of bomb queen ash Southern_San_dOria Cheddarbobmarly49991
pot of clustered tar Residential_Area Enko300001
rogue rig Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno170002
rose harp +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno250001
rose wand +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno230002
sapphire ring Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno380001
scanner Northern_San_dOria Oceloot40001
scorpion quiver Valkurm_Dunes Theren12001
seal of Genbu Bastok_Mines Rasputin20000001
seal of Seiryu Bastok_Mines Rasputin20000001
seal of Suzaku Bastok_Mines Rasputin20000001
seer's mitts +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno370001
seer's tunic +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno380001
self bow +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno70001
sha'ir gages Southern_San_dOria Cheddarbobmarly1500001
shakudo ingot Northern_San_dOria Oceloot80001
silver chain Northern_San_dOria Oceloot22001
solid wand Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno320002
spool of mohbwa thread Northern_San_dOria Oceloot30001
sprig of mistletoe Northern_San_dOria Oceloot15001
square of black tiger leather Valkurm_Dunes Theren20001
square of cotton cloth Northern_San_dOria Oceloot5001
square of mohbwa cloth Northern_San_dOria Oceloot120001
sunstone Northern_San_dOria Oceloot40001
Tarut card: the Fool Bastok_Mines Rasputin150001
Tarut card: the Fool Residential_Area Enko200001
Tavnazian taco Northern_San_dOria Oceloot8001
toolbag (sanjaku-tenugui) Valkurm_Dunes Theren80001
toreador's cape Northern_San_dOria Oceloot4000001
velocity bow Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno390002
vial of beast blood Northern_San_dOria Oceloot2001
war bow Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno140001
war bow +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno670001
willow wand +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno80001
wisdom ring Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno750001
wrapped bow Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno50001
wrapped bow +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno120001
wyvern wing Northern_San_dOria Oceloot20001
yew wand +1 Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno150001
zamburak Valkurm_Dunes Veticjeuno180001