Was it a year ago, now, or was it just after 2017, I forget..
Anyhow, the day that Nas limited the shell size to 250 members, max, then I immediately created "Bastok Renown," to roll our active members into an open shell in order for newer folks to communicate. I still carry the original, "Bastok Republic" so any olde timers can still have that if they still got the pearl - we had the most members that anyone will ever have haha - 650+
Honestly, we were'nt trying to make a record, but enthusiasm for Bastok was and is - I hope! - very high
In any event, whether the present shell will require a remake, or whatever - if you use FB, here we are..
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1508607445858775/Speaking for myself, it was a tremendous let down in olde retail days.. I would deploy for some months, then return and folks who I befriended were gone, or gone into other shells, or something like that. Totally understandable - of course you ough not to await months or to engage in your end game..
So, there's where you can figure the further meaning when I say, "Bastok Forever!" That means longevity. Ideally, you may take up where you left off if you were on hiatus with like minded folk who love to help.. And of course! make Bastok #1 and compete in anything for Bastok!
Everyone /shout ~ /hurray Bastok !