On July 28th, 2018 we had our 5th anniversary! We'd like to take some time to release updated statistics about the server!
In total, there have been 48,091 accounts created!
Across all those accounts, there have been 60,478 characters!
Of those characters... 20,212 are Hume. 10,845 are Elvaan. 13,886 are Tarutaru. 10,652 are Mithra. 4,910 are Galka.
Not to mention... 36320 are Male, or 61%. 24185 are Female, or 38%.
Plus... 30,081 have over 1 hour playtime 8,290 have over 100 hours playtime. 3,543 have over 500 hours playtime. 1,908 have over 1,000 hours playtime. 1,151 have over 1,500 hours playtime. 456 have over 3,000 hours of playtime.
Top 5 players by playtime: Viktoriya 817 days 22:14:04 Tatheria 720 days 08:31:54 Consortium 625 days 19:32:30 Pepsi 574 days 06:43:25 Csut 562 days 00:17:13
Congratulations! Now go outside.
There are 24,843 characters from San d'Oria. There are 20,301 characters from Bastok. There are 15,333 characters from Windurst.
In total there is 4,966,984,398 gil in circulation!
There are a total of 6,844 active characters that have played in the past 30 days.
There are 3,618 linkshells.
There are an average of 205,664 chat lines per day. Of those, 51,936 are /tell's, S-E-C-R-E-T!