Any time I make macros for any job, I have a set of standards:
(Anything written after ## means that it is a comment, i.e. not part of the macro.)
Job abilities, magic, and anything that targets enemies:
+++ ## assist for alliances, high mob areas, dynamis, etc.
/assist <stpc>
ABILITY ## or main spell, etc
/equipset set#
/recast "Job Ability" ## If longer than a few seconds
/echo [Spell] cost: x mp ** <mp> ## of course only for spells, and only if it's 50+ mp or whatever
/ja "Job ability" <stnpc> ## I like to do things manually. If you need to just check recast, you can cancel out,
## i.e. for equipset only
## of course, use <stpc> for friendly, <st> if you need to be able to target both pc and npc
**str/dex/etc ## for stat mod ws
/equipset set#
/ws "Weapon skill" <stnpc> ## The pattern here is I prefer to have the option to cancel out of my macros
**element ## for weaponskill with elemental damage
/equipset set#
/ws "Weapon skill" <stnpc>
/map ## or whatever command you need
/ra <stnpc>
/p ***Incoming*** <lastst> ***Incoming***
and I'm sure I'll come up with more standards I use.