Rubicund wrote:
cthalupa wrote:
Not unless Nas fixes the job or your only aspiration is to do Jailer of Love, unfortunately.
What would it take to fix Ranger other than ranged attack / distance fix?
Well, that's it, really.
It never was a top DPS class for endgame, outside of niche situations like JoL, but that would put it back into the realm of viable.
Right now, to do anything resembling real damage on it, you have to sit in range of every bad AoE in the game.
It'd be nice to be able to dust off my ranger, but I can't imagine using it for anything at all until that happens.
That sucks. If not top DPS then being out of AoE range was its only advantage so healers would not have to worry, etc. Sucks :(
XPing is fun as hell with Ranger and skillchains. Sad to hear that the fun appears to end at 75.
Thanks for input, appreciated.