Riran wrote:
From what I've been testing < 3 Yalms to target is a damage nerf of around 20% from what i saw.
3.1 - 25 yalms damage is the same at any range. This has been true for the majority of what i have fought since the patch being Random ITs, some Jailers, and Dynamis Tavnazia.
For some reason some monsters i fought in Tavnazia didn't follow the above and i only got max damage at the old sweet spot of 8 yalms for gun. Don't know what caused this and it seemed completely random when it would happen.
Ranged weapon skills are also working again.
I could have sworn this was the same range a damage variables I seen a week ago when leveling RNG on this server for the first time. Not sure if this is new but then again I'm new so.... take it with a grain of salt.