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Hello everyone, it's been some time but I am now writing my next video which is an overview of Nasomi.
What? Who the hell are you?Hello there, on Youtube I go by the name of Dodgykebaab and I review World of Warcraft private servers and have a 28k sub base. Although my server reviews go far beyond that in views. But before I started playing WoW in 2007, I played on Siren as a Galka MNK/WAR. I even wrote the first guild on how to produce a blue Chocobo!
Anyway, just so you all know that in under a week I'll be uploading a video talking about this server and what Final Fantasy XI is. I'll be talking mostly to old School WoW players, but there is enough people that watch that you might even see a bump in server pop!
So good day you beautiful people, i'll see you again once it's done!