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PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:37 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:09 pm
Posts: 24
This guide is by me, Minimusdecimus (formerly Maximusdecimus from Phoenix), and is the picture of greatness. I mean it just is, folks. It just is. There are other guides around, but they're not like my guide. Because they're not my guide. And when those guides get posted, they're not written by the best, folks. But my guide is the gold standard of fishing guide. I should really be charging you to read this, I mean why not, I should but I'm not because i'm just that considerate. You will not encounter any mistakes in this guide because I don't make any. If something isn't working, swallow your pride and realize you are wrong. Since I'm certain you'll put this skill-up guide to use, You may express your gratitude by a simple /kneel in passing. But no eye contact.


It's dangerous to go alone! Take this:

Some fishing basics

It takes 15 seconds from /fish for the game to deterimine if you catch something or not. if not, a 4 second animation plays where you put away your rod. It takes a total of 20 seconds from /fish to /fish on 'fail'.

If you catch something, you enter a 'battle' where you must exhaust the fish/item's HP via pressing left/right corresponding to blue arrows on the screen. This can take as little as 5 seconds to reel in a fish you are significantly higher than, or use up to 30 seconds depending on skill, luck, focus and fish activity. After you catch or lose, a 4 second animation plays where you put away your rod.

Occasionally, the blue arrows will appear gold. Entering the correct button press at this time will result in a significantly higher reduction in the fish stamina. You may experience some anecdotal correlation between the appearance of a 'Golden Reel' and a higher chance of obtaining a skill up on that cast. However, even if that's true, it's not 100%, so it doesn't really matter.

If you catch a monster you don't wish to reel in, let it idle, this preserves your lure and you won't have to fight anything. This takes 45seconds in total from /fish to /fish. If you're fishing with cheap bait, you can just hit escape and lose one bait.

What does Fishing Skill do?
Fishing skill affects the level of fish you may catch. With the exception of moat carp before level 5, you will lose fish of 21 or more skill levels above you 99.99999% of the time.

Fishing skill increases the frequency of 'Gold Reels' while fighting a fish. (fish level/skill ratio)

Fishing skill has no discernable difference in the duration of a cast outside of the appearance of gold reels.

Fishing skill has no discernable effect on the frequency at which fish or items catch the line.

***Moghancements (specifically fishing related ones) don't appear to currently function.***
***'Fishing Support' from the guild doesn't appear to currently function.***
***Gear with 'fishing skill +x' doesn't appear to currently function.***

Ok, so since before i ever wrote this guide, I have held that +skill from AH gear or support didn't function due to the fact that the skill bonus wouldn't allow a player to by-pass the >20 skill cap. That's how it functioned on retail, and i only assumed it functioned that way on Nasomi. However, I have recently noticed a quirk about support/crafting on nasomi in other crafts which has made me question this assumption regarding fishing... In typical synthesis a player is only allowed to attempt synths which are w/i 15 levels of their skill. So if it's 16 or more above your native skill, you will recieve the 'beyond skill' message. On retail, synthesis support or skill from gear would allow you to 'bypass' that cap because the game checked your 'effective' skill, however it doesn't work that way on nasomi. When verifying if a player can attempt a synth, the game ONLY checks your 'native' skill (the skill visible in the craftskills menu). And if the cap of the synth you're attempting is greater than 15, it WILL NOT let you attempt it. Regardless if you have support/GP gear. Anyone can test this on a virgin character with 0 clothcraft skill: attempt to desynth a robe with a lightning crystal. With 0 clothcraft, the game will not allow it, because Robe desynth caps at 16. Now, get support and try it again. The game will still not allow it. Do a handful of synths and get to 1CC and try the desynth again, the game will allow it. Because support is known to properly function otherwise, this proves that the game is only checking your native skill to determine eligibility to START a synth, not your 'effective' skill (which it totally does check after the synth has begun). You can attempt this 16+ test with any other synth from any craft, but that one's pretty easy and cheap to replicate. And so....... I say all that, to say this: it is highly likely that fishing skill functions exactly like the other crafts, and that support/gear does work, but only on fish 20 or less of your skill. It would be exceedingly difficult to test if it's actually working or not, because the difference in 1 skill on reeling in a fish would be virtually imperceptible, but the other crafts all work the same way, so I would be really surprised if, after all this time, fishing didn't actually work similarly. So, my opinion is buy the +fishing gear, because it probably does work, and it may result in a few more golden-reels every so often.

What does a Rod/Bait do?
Your chosen rod has an effect on which fish or items may catch the line, and the frequency at which they will and in some cases prevent specific fish all together. Your chosen pole CAN prevent some fish from biting despite using the same bait, though it may attract others.

Your chosen bait has an effect on which fish or items may catch the line, and the frequency at which they will. And in some cases prevent specific fish.

"you feel something pulling at your line..."
an item, or pamtam kelp.

"something catches the hook!"
the appearance of a single exclamation indicates that this is not a big fish. It is generally a small fish, but could be an item. A small fish is a stackable fish.

"something catches the hook!!!"
"something clamps ferociously on your line"
The appearance of three exclamations followed by the 'ferocious' message is a monster.

"something catches the hook!!!"
The appearance of three exclamations indicates that this is a big fish. A 'big fish' is a non-stackable fish.

About Poles -
I've found that poles seem to break more frequently on this server than in retail. Usually at the first opportunity, but not always. With that, the following poles are essentially rendered useless (as they are incapable of reliably targeting even starter fish in starter cities): willow, tarutaru, bamboo, fastwater.

The following poles are cheap, but have some utility: Clothespole, Yew.

Clothespole makes a decent starter rod because it's cheapish, won't break on rusty items in city, and has niche utility in it can isolate moat carps from crays and gold carps. This is particularly benefical for skill range 5-11 in Windurst Woods, Walls, Waters with the right bait.

Yew is a cheap pole. It costs 200g at vendor or cheaper on AH, but believe it or not, it is a good moat carp pole for newbs who can't get their mitts on a Clothespole. When using little worms, it can land crayfish and moats regulary, and won't break on heavy rusty leggings in Windurst Woods, Waters, Walls. But it WILL BREAK on Gold Carp.
What makes the yew less than desirable is that below skill level 5 you are restricted from reeling in moats. Meaning that before lvl 5, if you do use little worms, you'll lose many catches of moats. And gold carps, which you can't land either, will break the rod. You could isolate crays to lvl 5 with slices of carp, but no one uses moats to make slices of carp because they're being used for Lu Shang's quest. However, when using insect paste, Gold Carps don't bite on the yew. So from 5-11 (or anytime after 5 actually), Yew can actually be used in a pinch.

My opinion on Lu Shang's rod:
in retail, the appeal of lu shangs is 3 fold:
1. it can catch big/legendaries that a composite cannot,
2. it can land big or small fish equally as well as a big pole or small pole,
3. You don't get the dreaded 'too small' messages.

However, on Nasomi, none of the 'big fish' poles give the 'too small' message, and, so long as a fish will bite on a big fish pole, it's seemed indestinguishable from a small fish pole. And I don't recall a situation where a small fish which didn't bite a Composite, didn't bite a Halcyon.

Meaning that for 99.9999% of your skilling-up career, a Composite will do for you. And there are legendary fish you can land reliably with the composite, meaning you can cap 100 with it.

So, on Nasomi, the appeal of the lu shang's is reduced to:
1. It can catch big/legendaries that a composite cannot.

So, in my opion, most of the appeal of the Lu Shang pole is, for the time being, critically inferior to it's retail counterpart, though i suspect this will change eventually. I'm not saying the Lu is useless, #1 is still firmly applicable (maybe even enhanced due to what seems to be a 100% break rate when a break is possible.), there are some fish you'll need a lu because they'll break a composite; but that's legendaries typically involved with In The Belly grinding, which not everybody is going to do. It's worth the time and necessary to get if you want to persue a serious fishing career, but if you just want to catch some fish for quick gil or synthesis supply, I can't really argue that's worth the 1~2million gil price tag over the Composite.

If you do bother with Lu:
"I'm going to catch all my own 10,000 Moat carps" - don't be this guy. If you have this thought, you are a moron. And likely a communist. Which is saying the same thing.
The purpose of fishing is to enhance your ability to acquire resources and gil more efficiently. If fishing capped at 5, then yes, catching the moats yourself would likely be a very efficient method to complete the Lu Shang quest. However it doesn't, so it's not. At even 30 skill, you will begin catching fish which are twice the value of moats; meaning you could complete the quest with half the effort. But it's all still YOUR effort. By the time you're on bluetail, every blue you catch is like catching 3 moats. A black sole would be like 6 moats. A mithral sword is equivalent in value to like 24 moats, at time of writing. Delaying the quest (which you don't even need until you are a high skill fisherman anyway, and even then only if you intend to explore fishing to the maximum extent possible), allows you better resource management. Selling moats at early levels and using those profits to reinvest in acquiring higher fishing skill, then collect higher valued resources faster. Catching your own moats is productive, don't get me wrong, it's just not MAXIMIZING production and efficiency. You are better off to just level up, and THEN target more valuable fish and use those profits to support the lower level fishermen. Like you used to be.

Advanced fishing theory
Fishing is very standardized. There are specific odds for specific waters for specific rod/reel combinations. And no way to really affect them (i.e. no weather, season, moon, etc). In parsing several thousand casts, I've found that almost no fish has a bite rate over 45%. The only exception is Gold Carp in Windurst Woods (possibly Walls,Waters), which had 55%.
There is a base chance to hook monsters which hovers between 4-6% (probably 5%) regardless of all factors. One quirk I noticed over all my parses is the rate at which Items are hooked goes down, as the total possible fish which can be hooked per rod/reel combo goes up. However, the monster rate seems very consistent across all combinations. This leads me to believe that the order of processes is to first roll to see if you hook a monster (5%) > then see if you hook a fish (various) > then see if you hook an item (with a sub-roll to determine which item) > and if all fail you catch nothing. With this theory the 'monster check' is executed every cast giving a standardized result, but the 'item' check may not depending if you hook a fish, thus biasing it's figures.
Regardless of bait/rod/area/skill, there seems to be a maximum 10% to hook an 'item' (not including kelp as an item). On retail, this 'item fishing' could be boosted via 'moghancement: fishing', and it led to one of the first highly-exploited RMT activities in which Gilsellers would maximize the effect of the moghancement, intentionally select a rod/bait combo that didn't target any fish, and then just fish up items 24/7 hoping for mithril swords with 0 skill. This led to the fishing revamp which is the current system. Though you can still 'item fish' with 0 skill, it's in no way efficient.

So while fishing isn't as sexy as synthing a haubergeron +1 and selling it for 40m on a 20second synth, the standardized odds and low initial costs make the gil return very consistent. In fact fishing is so standardized with bite rates and cast duration that it is elementary to figure out the casts/hr and gil/hr a person could expect to average in an area for a particular bait/reel combo.

General Tips:

If you're using a lure and you hook a monster, just let it time out. Yes, it takes 45seconds and it sucks, but it's usually faster even if you're a 75 who can one shot the mob. With bait, you can cancel the cast and only lose 1 bait, with lure, you lose the lure. However, it is rumored that due to memory constraints, there is a definite amount of monsters which can be spawned from a water at any specific time. So it should be possible to reduce monster catches by reeling in the monsters and leaving them alive. Since these monsters are generally aggressive, it's poor manners to do this around others without warning/discussing, or where low level noobs may roam. **glitch alert! In retail, fished-up mobs are uncharmable, however they can be on Nasomi. There is a major caveat though, if you fish up the same type of monster, a glitch will occur where the charmed pet will attack you and you'll be unable to engage it or issue it commands! Prior to getting Leave, your only option is to leave the zone, or wait for the charm to wear off.**

Alt+Tab is your friend. Many times I have clicked on the game while the pole was cast and it cancels the cast, sacrificing my lure. This sucks. using /blockmouse on/off adds some protection against this, but generally just stick with ALT+Tab if you change windows.

If you don't use a gamepad to play the actual game (I don't), if you happen to have one, they can still be of use for fishing. With the default settings, I remap the camera to the default movement stick, and the movement to the default camera stick. Meaning that I can hold the pad with my right hand and use the thumb to tap left or right to reel in the fish, access the macro palette to fish, and the confirm and cancel buttons all with one hand. When I go to xp or do something else, I just unplug it. I find this less tiresome on the fingers than pounding left/right keys, and am less prone to hitting esc or enter and cancelling the cast accidently or snapping a line.

The Guide

While I intended to use this guide for noobs with little access to funds, the optimum choice is to farm whatever you can and save up and purchase a Composite Rod because you will use it for your entire career and it is one of the few non-quested poles which will allow you to land 100+ skill fish to go from 96-100. It's a decent retail pole made astoundingly great on Nasomi where no fish are lost to being too small. Meaning for 99.999% of the time it is functionally indifferent from a Lu Shang rod.

These camps were not chosen because they are the most lucrative, but because they work and they are quick to return to. I've focused on skill gain possibility and returnability primarily, and gil secondarily. If you're just desperate to catch a mithril sword you don't even need skill. Seek party, put on a video, and smash them buttons.

0-5 Bastore Sardine(9)/Quus(19)/Kelp(1)
[port windurst] - Composite/Mithran + Sabiki Rig {BREAK: glass fiber and other cheap poles}
Since the game only allows you to catch fish which cap within 20 of your skill, and both of the fish are under 20 skillcap, if find this is the optimum place. Since no fish on Nasomi has a biterate over 45%, targeting multiple fish really boosts 'effective' biterate and keeps the skill/hour high. Just reel in quus and Sardines and about 1:100 casts will be a kelp. No monsters. Also Rusty Caps, which sell on AH for a bit more than other rusty items. You'll get to 5 here very quickly as virtually every cast can result in skillup. Get to 5 here, not 4.8, not 4.9, 5. FIVE. You have to have skill of 5 to catch moats on Nasomi. Vend everything or keep the sardines for cooking skill. This should take about 4-5 hours to hit lvl 5. Some morons may tell you to start in Selbina, but this zone shits on Selbina so hard. If someone tells you to fish in Selbina, tell them I said they're a moron. Mithran will have comparable results to composite here. If you have the money, and are just fishing for skill, I advise bypassing moats and just staying on these til 13.

5-11 Moat Carp (11)
[Windurst Woods, Walls, Waters] - Clothespole/Yew + Insect Paste.
For this stretch I advise purchasing a clothespole or Yew. You *can* use the Composite for this stretch, but several bites will be gold carp, which will waste your time and bait. Typically, where you find moat carp, you'll find gold carp too. You need the clothespole/yew to isolate Moats from Golds and Crays when using Insect Paste. A stack of pastes should net you several stacks of Moats which will cover their purchase and then some. The downside of isolating moats (which isn't a real downside) is you have to contend with the monotony of the 45% bite-rate, meaning 55:100 casts catch nothing, with some items sprinkled in. At 20-seconds a pop, these add up, but deal with it. From 5-7, you can actually use little worms to attract crayfish this will increase your possible skill/hr, but doing so would also attract gold carps which you can't reel in and they WILL break a yew. Aside from rusty items, you'll catch a few silver rings which vend for 250, but move quickly on AH for more.

11-13 Quus(19)
Return to [Port Windurst] - Composite + Sabiki Rig
You'll need to eek out 2 levels on Quus to optimize the next location. Skillgain will be slowish since you'll still be catching quite a few Sardines which won't skill you. You could reduce bites of sardines, by using lugworms (which are sold in Windurst Waters North), but the biterate isn't spectacular on Composite/Lugworm. I preferred to just tough it out here and deal with the sardines to have some fish to sell/skill on. It wasn't that bad.

13-28 Giant Catfish (31)/Darkbass (33)
[West Sarutabaruta (pond)]
Simply venture out into Western Sarutabaruta from Port Windurst and head north to the pond. (((Do not use a minnow here. Due to the nasomi fishing merge, minnow will target saltwater fish in freshwater until it is patched. You will waste time on stuff you can't land)))

You have several options:

My preferred option, which is why I advise waiting til 13, is to use your moat carp profits to purchase a Composite or Mithran rod. A composite/mithran + frog lure will allow you to isolate Dark Bass AND Giant Catfish. Targeting two skill-up fish only. Giant catfish are going to be your first 'money' fish. These vend for 100g a pop (possibly 200g+ to Fishing Guild), but they don't stack. However, I argue you're close to Port Windurst with the fishing guild and a vendor NPC nearby. This a good stretch that should go quickly. Some have told me they didn't find the bite rate on this setup that great. Fair play.

Another option is to target darkbass only using composite+worm lure. I highly recommend this.

Another option is to target moats and darkbass with a composite/mithran + Insect Paste and continue to catch moats for money with the frequent Darkbass for skill. Decent money, slow skill gain.

A third option, which I don't recommend unless you can't find frog lure or insect paste, is to use composite+little worms. This will target crayfish primarily (2:1 over the others), but also yield moat carp (for money), darkbass (skill), and giant catfish (skill and money).

Whichever you choose, you must get to at least 28 here.

28(31)-35 Zamflug Bass(47)
[Port Bastok] - Composite/mithran/Halcyon Rod + Worm Lure
Unfortunatly, you now have to leave the Windurst Area. Though, if memory serves, this went quickly. 45% biterate is less than ideal for skill gain but, easy fish to reel in. No monsters, few rusties. Just easy skill and a decent amount of gil. Get to 35 here and then leave the stinking ulcer that is bastok. There are other fish, black eel come to mind, but no. Just catch these and move on to the next stretch.

If you stay in bastok til 36, you will be able to catch gold carps in Windurst Woods, Walls, Waters. However, I don't advise dealing with GOLD CARPS. Gold carps are great, they vend for 300g, and are accessible in town, but even with a halcyon rod and a shrimp lure to isolate them from moats and crays, the bite rate is still less than ideal. Even though Gold carp appear to be the only fish I found with a greater than 45% bite rate. I suppose if you want to stay in town you could, and full disclosure, i actually did do Gold Carps for a bit, however, I advise the following:

35-55 Cone Calamary/Bluetail(55).
[Sarumugue Champaign] - Composite/Mithran + Minnow
The holy grail stretch. When you hear players talk poetically about fishing in ffxi, this stretch is one of the reasons why... Armed with your trusty big fish pole and a minnow lure, there are few things as fun and rewarding in this game. The minnow will target only the Calamary and Bluetail and they each have a high bite-rate on that bait, meaning you will blow through skill levels here. This stretch is where fishing turns from a hobby, to a career. These two fish both vend for quite a bit of gil, and if you catch the fishing guild at the right time, bluetails can sell for 700g a piece. In the very few casts that don't result in a 200g+ fish, you may snag an item, amoung them are the coveted mythril swords, which vend for 4100g each. It's possible to average 36k/hour just fishing for skill here and vending all rewards. Since cone calamary cap at 48 and take priority over bluetails, 48-58 will take about 2x as long as 35-48 (as skillable casts will be half as often) did, but, since you can make a boat load of gil regardless, i stayed here til i capped 55 on bluetail.. making gil paw over fist.

With about 700 casts parsed here, this combination should result in about 41% Calamary, 39% bluetail, 10% item, 5% monsters, and 5% nothing. Of the possible items, the distribution was equal, at 20%. So per 100 casts you should acquire 40~ calaramy, 40~ bluetail, and 10 items; two of which should be mithril swords (20% of 10% results in a 2% average chance at catching a sword (.1*.2).

Since 5 casts will result in nothing for (100seconds), 5 casts will result in monsters (225 seconds), and the other 90 casts with fish and items should be reeled in average 27 seconds each for (2430). So 100 casts should take the dedicated individual 2755seconds, or 46minutes. Since 40 casts should be calamary @165g ($6600), 40 should be bluetail @300 ($12000), 2 should be mithril sword ($8200) the other items should average like 200 each if you sell the caps on AH, so 8 other items for 200 ($1600) That's $28,400 averge in .75 of an hour. Or extrapolating those averages out to a full hour (.75*1.333) an average of $37.86k an hour.

Return to Windurst!

55-66 Crecentfish
[East Saruta] - Composite + Fly lure {Break! Halcyon}
Simply venture out into East Sarutabaruta from Glorious Windurst, the pond just north is a close location and catch crecent fish. The biterate here is iffy, but just tough it out. Crecents don't vend for near as much as bluetail, and there are no glorious mythril swords to be found here, but you need the skill. Get to 66 and bounce out.
(((Advanced Players: if you're of sufficient level and wanderlust, you can opt to venture out to Dragon's Aery and fish your Crecents there. While this is quite the trek from Windy, you will gain a small chance at Mythril Swords. Be cautious though, there are OWNM and HNM present in these zones. As well as the possibility for high lag and disconnects.)))

66-76(86) Bastore Bream (86)
[Port Windurst] - Composite Rod + Shrimp Lure {BREAK: Halcyon}
Fitting that we near the end of our fishing career, where it began. On the wholesome shores of the Bastore Sea in Port windurst. Here, you can peacefully catch bastore Bream's which vend for 600g, while monitoring shouts, being close to vendors, and AH. You can stay in the safety of Windurst and cap at 86, or you can leave at 76. Eitherway, you'll still make decent gil and get skill. What more to ffxi is there?

76-96 Black Sole(96)
[Saurumugue Champaign] - Composite+Sinking Minnow.
Return to those hallowed cliffs of Sarumugue. This time you'll be catching black sole which vend for a whopping 700g, which makes a stack of these badboys 8400g at minimum. Biterate will be 45%, and you'll get a chance at mythril swords, but the sinking minnow lure seems to add in rusty items that the minnow doesn't catch. So, while you can get mythrils, it'll be less of a chance than before. Still a heavy hitter gil wise. There are some who swear that this setup in Qufim is better than Sarumugue, but according the my parsed casts, in the 500+ each, Sarumugue is modestly better. However, it's preference. It takes 7minutes to run from the Aragonau OP to the cliffs of Saurumuge. it takes about 10seconds to start fishing from the Qufim OP.

My thoughts on capping fishing while camping ferry pirates for the Sand Charm (Inside the Belly prereq.)

How does the Selbina/Mhaura Ferry work?
The Selbina/Mhaura Ferry, is actually 4 distinct zones which are more or less aestically identical, but with distinct mob and fishing profiles, all designed to simulate a singular zone under differing circumstances, which discharge you to a set destination after a set amount of time.

"1a" Ship bound for mhaura
"1b" Ship bound for mhaura (with pirates)
"2a" Ship bound for Selbina
"2b" Ship bound for Selbina (with pirates)

When a ferry departs Selbina/Mhaura at 0:00, 8:00, 16:00; the game checks applicable players and does a /randomroll to decide which of the 4 zones it will spawn them in. There is a rare glitch at the moment where sometimes the game will spawn players departing the same area and the same time and even in the same party in different zones ("routes"). I had it put me and the 5 other travellers in 1a, and my alt spawned in 1b who was swiftly K.O.'ed by pirates. This is not fun, but it's rare. And possibly linked to quantity of travellers. In retail, the pirates did not immediately spawn, however on Nasomi they do. Due to some vector checking issues, the pirates, which are always present in their zone, will agro players through the floor. If you're 30+ the NQ bones may not aggro you through the floor but the rarer lvl68 NMs (Silverhook or Blackbeard) can aggro lvl 75s. If you're under 30, you are live bait for pirates. Consider telling noobs to travel on a lvl 1 job to avoid xp loss.

Spawning in a pirate route is actually FAIRLY COMMON. I've seen it happen back to back on subsequent crossings, but sometimes take over 3 hours. Generally, i spawned in a pirate route around one crossing per two game days (1/6~ or .16%), but there is a seriously debilihtating factor here: There appears to be a frequent glitch wherein the game doesn't discharge travellers at their destination. And the players continue to ride the ferry for an additional 34 minutes (the time it would take to travel back to the origin, and then back to the intended destination) before the <discharge event> gets triggered again.
This is a beneficial if you're just there to fish because you don't lose time zoning/boarding/zoning; maybe even an exploit. However, if you're camping pirates, this glitch could cause you to lose out on two chances to spawn in the pirate route. And when I say frequent, I mean frequent. Since you only get a maximum of 3 chances to spawn in the pirate route per game day, you must maximize these chances. So you need to monitor time. The game should discharge you to your destination at 6:20, 14:20, 22:20. If it doesn't, it's glitched and you need to warp. This gives you about 3minutes to try to make it from your HP to the destination to reboard. This is why i recommend /blm or keeping a warp scroll in your direct inventory. You may make the Valk OP/Selbina run in 3 minutes (HP: port windy MH), but not the burburimu/mhaura run.
There is another glitch where the ferry just doesn't 'depart', and you have to wait til the next multiple of 8,16,24/0. Sucks, but that's how it is.

What about the Sand Charm???
So you fought the glitchs and you finally spawned in the pirate route? Good luck, I went 1/22 on the Sand Charm. 0/12 solo, no TH; 0/7 solo,TH1; 1/3 duo, TH2. As 61 whm i could *just* kill the 4 crossbones and 1 wight during a crossing. About once every 24 hours, either Blackbeard or Silverhooks will spawn, these lvl68 NM aggro players through the floor and make quick work of them. While I initially thought they wouldn't agro higher-lvls, it must have just been luck, which ran out and they agro me as 65WHM through the floor, so take precautions. I kept up RR, SS, Protect, Shell and blink. when it was getting close to departure. if you stay out of melee range, judicious use of Stoneskin, blink shell and bars and resting may allow you to live until either exhausts their MP and they just stand there.

These figures represent about 3 real days of HEAVY camping. If your playtime is restricted, and you can't maximize boarding opportunities due to glitches, and just have plain old bad luck, you could easily spend a week or more with nothing to show.

During the mean time, you can cap 100 on ryugu titans. Titans will bite most every bait you could use, but i preferred the composite/shrimp lure because it attracted some other fish i could vend to the boat NPCs or AH. If inventory slots are limited the frog lure will isolate Titans, but I don't recommend it, as you could be catching many other fish with no real reduction in Titan bites.. Don't use meatballs, they'll attract Titanictus which will break a composite.

Another thing you could concider if you're riding the ferry anyway, is keeping an eye out for 'Ocean Crab'. It's no high-gil HNM or anything, but it drops a rare/ex item for a boring quest in Windurst. These can be fished up regularly as monsters, and once in a blue moon (maybe 1 in 30 crossings) one will be present on the deck. Seems that only 1 can be present at a time regardless of source. If you're riding the ferry anyway, concider collecting the item, or offering to collect it for windurstian noobs.


Advanced Fishing Addendum
Guildpoint Fish (to be updated as I will)

Shining Trout 2240@78p (28.7) - Carpenter's landing via Sandoria.
Won't bite on composite rod, halcyon+minnow did okay. Will bites halcyon+sinking but only tested a few casts.

Giant Donko 3920@576p (6.8), [ Rabao (Composite + Frog Lure) Modest bite rate.]
Bhefl Marlin 4560@900 (5.06); [Selbina/Mhaura Ferry - Composite+Slice of Bluetail]
Cobalt Jellyfish 1200@24 (50) {Valkurm Dunes}
Zebra Eel 5040@1200p (4.2) {Rancor Den - Composite+Shrimp lure}
Moorish Idol 4000@714p (5.6)
Thank god you only need 6, because these are a suicidaly tedious fish to bother with. My direct advice is to just buy them. Buy them for whatever price you have to and move on with your life. If you can't, then settle in for some tedium. Due to fishing quirks on Nasomi, this is only caught on the Manaclipper because Purgonurgo's fishing profile is not independent from Bibiki bay. And since the manaclipper tours don't, at present, have independent fishing profiles for different tours (they're all merged), no tour is better at targeting any specific fish than the other. And since each tour is interrupted to deliver passengers to Purgonurgo, every tour is interrupted from being able to fish for them for several minutes. So you spend most of the time waiting on boats to arrive/depart with a small sliver of time being able to actively fish for them. My best results were with Composite + worm lure, and they were modest at best. I was able to catch 9. I don't advice Halcyon/worm, because that gives a heavier preference to zamflug bass. Nor do i advise using a shrimp lure as it attracts gugru tuna which will break a halcyon and the bite rate on composite/shrimp is notedly lower than composite/worm lure.

Last edited by Maxdecphoenix on Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:11 am, edited 33 times in total.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 9:07 pm 

Joined: Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:16 pm
Posts: 28
Tried 0-5 fishing last night in Port Windy with a Clothespole. 0 bites in like 20 minutes. Switched to a Composite Rod today and don't think I've gone a single cast without a bite.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:35 am 

Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:09 pm
Posts: 24
hmm I was certain I'd tested the clothespole for the 0-5 stretch, but I went back and looked at my notes and I did have it marked negatively. I've updated the initial portion of the guide.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:40 am 

Joined: Thu May 24, 2018 2:05 am
Posts: 15
Good post and good read. Thank you!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:57 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:25 pm
Posts: 25
I broke two halycon rods trying to figure out the East Saruta location. I tried, the lake, I tried the pond north of the entrance. Thoughts?

Spoiler Alert: Crescent Fish break Halycon Rods.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:01 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:18 pm
Posts: 90
Awesome guide, thank you.

This 20+ stage suuuucks. Super slow.


PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:57 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:01 pm
Posts: 2
what rod did you use catching Ryugu Titans?

very nice guide btw, +1!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:32 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:49 am
Posts: 25
biancatechinc wrote:
what rod did you use catching Ryugu Titans?

very nice guide btw, +1!

Composite Rod+Frog Lure on the Ferry's will catch only Ryugu Titan's for fish(non pirates have not had a chance to try with pirates yet).

But with Ebisu Rod you can catch the Ryugu Titan with other lures and bait with a Legendary fish tossed in here once in a while.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:35 pm 
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Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:45 pm
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Where's the best place to fish (for vendor profit, not AH) when your fishing skill is 96+?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 11:03 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 23, 2018 6:47 pm
Posts: 25
When will you be bringing this guide back? :(

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