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Re: 2025-02-09 LIIX Superbowl Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs

Congratulations Eagles! You can pick up your winnings now.

2025-02-09 LIIX Superbowl Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs

Betting is now open for the Superbowl IIX between the Eagles and Chiefs No spread, win/lose, talk to Marshal or Afdeen in Upper Jeuno to make a wager. Your total bet will be a percentage of the total for that team. That is the percentage that you can win if your team wins of the other teams total bets, less 10% handling fee. Example 1: You bet 10,000 gil on Chiefs . Chiefs total bets total 500,000 gil. 49ers total bets totals 800,000 gil. Chiefs win. Your bet was 2% of the total, which means you are eligible for 2% of the 49ers total bets of 800,000 gil, 16,000 gil, less 10% handling fee, plus your original 10,000 gil bet, totaling 24,400 gil. Congratulations! Example 2: You bet 10,000 gil on Chiefs . Chiefs total bets total 500,000 gil. 49ers total bets totals 800,000 gil. Chiefs lose. You get nothing and are sad. There will be periodic announcements regarding how much gil has been bet on each side. All betting will close prior to the coin toss. Winnings will be eligible for pickup roughly one hour after the game is over, and will be eligible to be picked up until February 13th, 2023 at midnight EST. There will NOT be any exceptions. If you cannot pick up your winnings, do not wager. Good luck, and happy betting! Also.. The Valentines event will follow this

2024 Starlight Celebration

Greetings, kupo! It is I, Magical Moogle, wishing you the happiest of holidays! We will be beginning our Starlight Celebration right now! Unfortunately the festive moogles have been so busy putting up decorations, they haven't had time to hand out their starlight cards. As a result, they would be very appreciative of you, the adventurer, passing the cards out for the festive moogles. You can find a festive moogle in Port Bastok, Windurst Walls, Port San'doria, and even Jueno! Once you've finished handing out cards, check back with your Festive Moogle for something special! And don't forget, this is an ideal time to work on your excalipoor quest and track your progress! Best wishes!

2024 Harvest Festival

Hello, gourd-geous! Howl are you? I know you're dying to have fun, so here it comes! We are pleased to announce the 2024 Har-har-harvest Festival! We at the MFOC (Moogle Festival Organization Committee) have added new events in addition to our classics! Be sure to find them all, with all new must have rewards, it'll sure to be a hoot! Eat, drink, and be scary! -Magical Moogle

2024 Harvest Festival

Hello, gourd-geous! Howl are you? I know you're dying to have fun, so here it comes! We are pleased to announce the 2021 Har-har-harvest Festival! We at the MFOC (Moogle Festival Organization Committee) have added new events in addition to our classics! With all new must have rewards, it'll sure to be a hoot! Eat, drink, and be scary! -Magical Moogle

2024-04-29 Maintenance

In this maintenance... Resolves bug with Pld AF quest. Resolves bug with af memory reset for nin AF Resolves issue where certain elegible einherjar waves were not being properly selected Resolves issue where dragoon wyvern would target an improper person with healing breath under certain circumstances Resolves issue where dragoon wyvern and puppetmaster puppet would not regain health when the master was healing Resolves an issue with guillds The bastok markets goldsmithing guild will now function as intended

2024-03-28 Maintenance

In this maintenance... All crafting guilds are now functional and retail perfect The "beastmen treasure" quest series has been implemented Various improvements have been made to animation flow Emotes specifying "motion" will now function correctly An issue has been resolved with einherjar dark elementals regarding their sleep immunities. Fixed an issue where charmed characters would not properly come uncharmed Fixed an issue where AF memory reset would not properly work for Ninja

2024-02-11 Superbowl San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs

Betting is now open for the Superbowl LVII between the 49ers and Chiefs No spread, win/lose, talk to Marshal or Afdeen in Upper Jeuno to make a wager. Your total bet will be a percentage of the total for that team. That is the percentage that you can win if your team wins of the other teams total bets, less 10% handling fee. Example 1: You bet 10,000 gil on Chiefs . Chiefs total bets total 500,000 gil. 49ers total bets totals 800,000 gil. Chiefs win. Your bet was 2% of the total, which means you are eligible for 2% of the 49ers total bets of 800,000 gil, 16,000 gil, less 10% handling fee, plus your original 10,000 gil bet, totaling 24,400 gil. Congratulations! Example 2: You bet 10,000 gil on Chiefs . Chiefs total bets total 500,000 gil. 49ers total bets totals 800,000 gil. Chiefs lose. You get nothing and are sad. There will be periodic announcements regarding how much gil has been bet on each side. All betting will close prior to the coin toss. Winnings will be eligible for pickup roughly one hour after the game is over, and will be eligible to be picked up until February 13th, 2023 at midnight EST. There will NOT be any exceptions. If you cannot pick up your winnings, do not wager. Good luck, and happy betting! Also.. The Valentines event will follow this directly along with a fix for guilds and various other fixes.

2024-01-09 Maintenance

Bard song durations have been further refined, as well as Goddess Hynmnus fixed An issue where multible alliances in einherjar could not attack the same mobs has been fixed An issue where two of the possible waves were not eligible for selection has been fixed An issue where the zone could become unstable if the special mob spawned has been resolved Chest opening mechanics have been worked Several lingering issues with Jormungand have been patched The temporary issues with health bars and npc unresponsiveness should be cleared up The hourglass fix has worked well all week, zone resets are confirmed to no longer be needed to run dynamis. Dynamis Xarcabard Tavnazia and Qufim no longer have any known issues with hourglasses An issue with monk AF weapon quest that affected a small subset of the population has been resolved It is a known issue that guilds are not functional, it will be addressed soon

2024-01-01 Maintenance

Please see the following regarding our first maintenance of the year! Major edits to drg Moderate edits to brd Minor edits to cor and sam Status Effects have been rewritten Several latents, including Fencer's Ring have been sharpened up All known AF issues have been fixed Dark Carol is once again purchasable All known HNM issues have been fixed The issue where dynamis entry would require a zone reset has been fixed The Airship fight may have been fixed Several Einherjar issues have been fixed The issue where bcnm chests could appear as mobs has been fixed Characters who lost their access to sea or sky due to nation changes now have their access restored

2023-08-16 Maintenance

In this maintenance... Fixed an issue with Triple Attack Fixed an issue with the entrance of pup AF3 fight Movement speed has been overhauled for mobs and players* Inaccuracies in the enmity system have been corrected Inaccuracies in mob roaming have been corrected Issues where a cutscene could go irrecoverably to darkness may have been corrected *This initially resulted a slew of issues regarding packet size and frequency which had some bugs to be worked out over the past couple days. We appreciate your patience.

2023-07-28 Maintenance

In this maintenance... Einherjar.

2023-04-09 2023 Egg Hunt Eggstravaganza && Maintenance Combo!

Gr-r-r-eetings, kupo! It is I, Magical Moogle Henry, and this year I have been put in charge of our Eggstravaganza by the MEC(Moogle Event Committee)! As a result, much effort has been put into hiding eggs throughout Vana'diel. The eggs have been hidden in North Gustaberg, West Sarutabaruta, and East Ronfaure. Each egg has a special letter inscribed on it. Collect eggs with certain combinations and turn them in to your Festive Moogles located in Port Bastok, Windurst Walls, and Port San'dOria for eggcelent rewards! The combinations are as follows: • First 3 - The first 3 letters of your name • Strait 8 - Any 8 consecutive letters • 7 of a kind - Any 7 eggs with the same letter So get out there and get your egg on, or you'll end up with yolk on your face! And in this maintenance... Fixes various longstanding issues with parties/ alliances including: Monster name color with respect to claim Alliance stability bugs Erroneously greyed out names in alliances Lack of quartermaster functionality Inprecise party invite messages Level sync exploits Level sync bugs Also, An issue has been resolved where information relating to the manner in which a character died was not being properly transmitted. An issue where certain items were not appearing in the Auction House after being listed has been resolved

2023-02-11 LVII Superbowl Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs & Maintenance!

Betting is now open for the Superbowl LVII between the Eagles and Chiefs No spread, win/lose, talk to Marshal or Afdeen in Upper Jeuno to make a wager. Your total bet will be a percentage of the total for that team. That is the percentage that you can win if your team wins of the other teams total bets, less 10% handling fee. Example 1: You bet 10,000 gil on Chiefs . Chiefs total bets total 500,000 gil. Eagles total bets totals 800,000 gil. Chiefs win. Your bet was 2% of the total, which means you are eligible for 2% of the Eagles total bets of 800,000 gil, 16,000 gil, less 10% handling fee, plus your original 10,000 gil bet, totaling 24,400 gil. Congratulations! Example 2: You bet 10,000 gil on Chiefs . Chiefs total bets total 500,000 gil. Eagles total bets totals 800,000 gil. Chiefs lose. You get nothing and are sad. There will be periodic announcements regarding how much gil has been bet on each side. All betting will close prior to the coin toss. Winnings will be eligible for pickup roughly one hour after the game is over, and will be eligible to be picked up until February 15th, 2023 at midnight EST. There will NOT be any exceptions. If you cannot pick up your winnings, do not wager. Good luck, and happy betting! Also.. The odds of charming a mob with the charm ability are now retail accurate. Gauge now functions correctly Various improvements to the uragnite family Various improvements to the buffalo family Various improvements to the crab family Various improvements to wyrms. Pathfinding has been further improved Some weaponskills that apply an enfeebling effect have been folded into the new magic evasion system Sneak Invisible and Deodorize have been mildly re-worked Using cure as a form of damage has been made retail accurate Shell now applies a correct reduction to magic damage with respect to retail's specific fractional system An issue where exp was not being properly dirtied has been corrected An issue with the enmity system was debugged A spawn point relating to thief artifact armor was corrected The COP airship fight has had a patch applied to the spawning mechanics. An exploit has been patched

2022 Starlight Celebration

Greetings, kupo! It is I, Magical Moogle, wishing you the happiest of holidays! We will be beginning our Starlight Celebration right now! Unfortunately the festive moogles have been so busy putting up decorations, they haven't had time to hand out their starlight cards. As a result, they would be very appreciative of you, the adventurer, passing the cards out for the festive moogles. You can find a festive moogle in Port Bastok, Windurst Walls, Port San'doria, and even Jueno! Once you've finished handing out cards, check back with your Festive Moogle for something special! Best wishes!

2022-11-04 Maintenance

In this maintenance... A situation where player magic accuracy would be higher than intended after the zone had experienced certain conditions has been corrected Mob pathfinding has been overhauled and highly optimized The AF memory reset NPC is now functional for all jobs rather than just Warrior.

2022-10-29 Maintenance

In this maintenance... The AF memory reset NPC has been implemented. All AF pieces must have been obtained before memory reset is possible. The craftable pieces of cor AF have been added. If the player has selected a piece to persue from the starting NPC previously, that selection will be remembered. Several AF quest lines have been refined and minor era-accurate changes have been applied. A monk counter will now have the correct text pertaining to it displayed HP scaling of lower level NMs has been corrected An issue where positive MDB would negate all spike damage has been corrected An issue where high level monk mobs would attack at a rapid pace has been corrected Mobs will now path directly to players rather than a random point around them In the event several mobs are attacking the same target they will now space themselves out appropriately Mobs will now pursue their targets more directly

2022-09-16 Maintenance

In this maintenance... Each area comprising sea has new navmeshes An error true sight has been corrected The message corresponding to the ability "Devotion" has been corrected The recast of Chivalry and its merit effects have been corrected An issue with spike damage has been fixed An issue where crafting furniture bug has been fixed The synthesis recipe for Foulard has been added Several meva bugs have been corrected The spell "stun" has been fixed A hard cap has been placed on the effect of Battlefield and Carnage Elegy Enspells and weapons with additional effects now interact properly Corrected an issue with bahamut's magic attack Corrected a typo in breakga Fixed the bcnm exit conditions for Bahamut Version Two and Ouryu and various fixes Mob attributes are now more accurate on a number of mobs. Errors related to the spawning of Fafnir, Nidhogg, Behemoth, King Behemoth, Adamantoise, and Aspidochelone have been corrected Hostile Herbivores, Let Sleeping Dogs Die, Crustacean Conundrum, Factory Rejects, Shots in the Dark, The Final Bout have had slightly altered loot pools. ZNM's soon™

2022-05-03 Maintenance

In this maintenance... Fixed a few crash scenarios Tuned Bahamut v2 slightly.

2022-04-27 Maintenance

In this maintenance... All COP wyrms have been re-tuned to the new accurate underlying systems. Refined the calculation for monster attack damage. Several small magic evasion errors have been corrected. Fixed a bug where declining a raise was not being properly interpreted by the server Fixed some situtations where hate was not being lowered correctly Fixed a bug with jailer weapons. Fixed an issue where certain mobs would spam draw-in Fixed an issue where draw in could relocate a player off the map. An issue with the TOD preservation system has been identified and fixed on Tiamat and Jormungand and Vrtra The Bahamut Version 2 fight is released