Rocinante wrote:
This is a problem with your OS, I would recommend grabbing the latest versions of the relevant Visual C++ runtimes from microsoft, and run windows updates afterward (there are often updates to specific runtimes only after they are installed). ... -downloadsThen I would see about reinstalling directx, which direct3d 8 is a component of (d3d8.dll is what is failing) but I'm not sure which download would be relevant here. A few seconds on google yielded ... en&id=8109 - but you may want to research a bit more before blindly installing that. I'd also perform a windows update after this step too.
Hey, thanks a lot for your reply, know that I value your time and your assistance!
I went ahead and updated my Visual C++ as it was out of date. I recently began using an eight year old PC because my primary one broke down on me, so I have no clue what is or is not out of date.
I tried doing my own research on which Directx update I needed (I am using Windows 7 64 bit Service Package 1) and the microsoft page directed me to an update that apparently wasn't compatible. As of right now I'm updating windows with some minor unimportant updates which I've been avoiding doing for my own reasons, and am still skeptical about doing. So on that note, I went ahead and downloaded the link you gave me for the Directx updates and it said that I already am using a newer installation than this one. I thought I did update my Directx and this reinforces that?