Myself sort of, probably wasn't doing the optimal path but it's worked so far from 1-40 (memory also might be a little fuzzy on the exact level ranges but it should be close).
1-5 N.Gustaberg - Just straight up kill stuff, focus on bees if you wanna start practicing carby kites although at this level it don't really matter
5-8 N.Gustaberg - Bees on the hill, again you can kite if you want but carby should be dealing with these guys fine
8-12 Palborough Mines - Pull quads, no one else camps here due to link fest, however with carby you are uniquely positioned to deal with it. Just make sure you link everything on carby before dismissing and recasting, use retreat/assault to correct positioning if needed.
EDIT:Actually thinking on this later I may only have done to 10 in palborough then went to the lower part of dangruf wadi for the gobs ~(H-11), again cobwebs been a while. KRT might be a good alternate in here too.
12-18 Ordelle's Cave - There's a room just to the left of the main entrance down some stairs (you will learn to despise these stairs, they will crit you frequently at first) and it's just jammed full of gobbies, pull to your hearts content you have miles to kite with.
18-22 Dangruf Wadi - above the north launchpad geyser to the left and right are mid tier gobs, these work ok, little less room than ordelles but no stairs to crit you, I occaisonally did worms in Korroloka Tunnel here too when I got bored, leave the dunes to bsts and other ppl that enjoy lag.
22-24 Lower Delkfutt's Tower - room to the right with a bunch of gobs, pull from that you will probably have to run back and forth between the zone line, try not to blow other ppl fleeing links in qufim island up but it'll happen rarely, it's just part of bombing. Also did death wasps in rolanberry fields in here but you have to leave a lot more room cause bees are fast and you'll probably get hit once or twice, the place for this was around g-6 or so, you have miles to kite with again still didn't like it as much as the tower.
24-28 Rolanberry Fields - There's a lake round E-9 a bst friend of mine showed me that works fantastically in here, just try to have some courtesy cause bsts are frequently there and it's harder for them to find choice camps, maybe move to the next camp early if one is around. Also did the south part Sanctuary of Zi'Tah around here, it's kinda of dodgy due to gaylas which carby can easily deal with it's just a lot more technical than I preferred to get. Could probably also do dolls in Lower Delkfutt's Tower in this range, but you need oils and powder to get to them.
28-32 Yuhtunga Jungle - Right at Kazham, pull the smiths just try to have courtesy and not blow up xp parties, I know it's hard sometimes but clear the tunnel gob on the other end and keep him clear so you can just pull that way away from XP pts.
32-36 Yhoator Jungle - At the north mandy camp, do the smithy's there, there's several directions you can tackle this one from, you can also add in a few yhoator wasps from the south if you get bored of gobs by here but there's not a lot of spawns without pathfinders around...and stuff gets complicated dealing with BST mobs so just avoid it. Gusgen can also work in here but you'll need oils to get to the basement where the feu follets are, there's also less spawns, myconids get in the way and elementals, so yeah pick your poison.
36-40+ Crawler's Nest - Right in the entrance there's a corridor just stuffed with death jackets, you have lots of room but the pathing in this zone is wacky so leave more room than you need, shit will run right through the walls at you, also be very conscious of links. Zitah also works in here around the outpost, but xp parties are there so try not to kill them, learned that the hard way do not pull gobs the XP parties agg you can't really hold them vs a party and it just flags it to you so they can't do nothing about it.
I'll probably add more as I go, I think you can probably do death jackets/Zitah up to 42 then I'm guessing it's altepa.
EDIT: Now that they are locked in place Worms might be worth exploring more, I've mostly avoided cause general of targeting weirdness in the past.